The Motorcycle Hill Climber Who Climbed Capitol Hill
The life and times of motorcycle enthusiast Marion Diederiks (Published: Oct. 14, 2017)
1827 Broadway: Johnny "Second Chance" Quinlan
*This is a spin-off story that explores, in greater depth, the life of John Quinlan who plays a supporting role in my story titled 1827...
1827 Broadway: A Prequel of Iron and Blood
*I call this a prequel because it precedes the main story arc of 1827 Broadway Part II: A Story of Iron and Blood set in Seattle....
1827 Broadway Part II: A Story of Iron and Blood
*This is part two in a series about what once stood where the Broadway & Denny light rail entrance now stands. This is the main story...
1827 Broadway Part I: A House Divided
The saying “a house divided against itself cannot stand” rings true for many especially after the day Lincoln popularized it in his 1858 Ill
Before The Light Rail There Was 1830 Broadway
*The fourth installment in my series "Before There Was Light Rail" in which I take a look at some of the buildings that were torn down in...