Capitol Hill Modern Phase 2 Progress Report
New research, building selection for photography and tours, and more in our on-going survey of Capitol Hill's Mid-Century Modern apartments.
The Motorcycle Hill Climber Who Climbed Capitol Hill
The life and times of motorcycle enthusiast Marion Diederiks (Published: Oct. 14, 2017)
Before The Light Rail There Was 1830 Broadway
*The fourth installment in my series "Before There Was Light Rail" in which I take a look at some of the buildings that were torn down in...
Ceremonial Laying of The Cornerstone For The Capitol Hill Masonic Temple: Thanksgiving Day 1915.
Once again as a brief intermission between my feature articles, I thought I'd take a look around and see what was happening on Capitol...
The Shriners 41st Annual Session of The Imperial Council, July 12 - 17, 1915
While between my feature articles, I decided to take a brief tangent to see what was happening in Capitol Hill this week one hundred...